Frequently Asked Questions
On Baseline in between Greenfield and Val Vista in Mesa, AZ.
You receive a link through our secure portal, and can access our telehealth call from any device. Sessions are conducted the same way as in person.
Yes, I am seeing clients in person at this time.
$165 for initial intake assessment and treatment planning.
$145 ongoing 50 minute individual sessions
$150 ongoing 50 minute couples and family sessions
In my efforts to honor your privacy and therapeutic experience, I do not accept insurance.
We will discuss your individual needs and goals for therapy. My goal is that you will leave feeling validated, heard, and ready to do the work!
There is not a one size fits all answer to this one. Depending on your own individual needs and goals, you could expect to be in treatment anywhere from 3-12 months, and sometimes longer.
One word: Objectivity! While our family and friends are a great support system, we can’t always count on them to be objective when it comes to our relationships.